Friday, April 8, 2011

Giving Thanks

In the end, although we gave of our time & talents, we're better individuals for the experience & nourishment we receive back multi-fold. God has given us our own special gifts/talents & it's our responsibility to share them with others! We were infused with the generosity & love of the local people and we came away better ourselves.

Thanks to several patients & organizations who donated products & supported us: Dag & Jim of Crest/Proctor & Gamble, Dr Er-Jia Mao, Scott Keene of Burkhart Dental, Tidi Products; Tom & Laurie Perricone/Chesley, Maureen Searle, Evanthia Nanou, Arian & Harold Giesholt/Lane, & my sister, Laura Benjamin (who mailed me 2 dozen reading glasses!)